Several generations of Czech artists have been attracted by outskirts, whose disposition is neither vanishing nature nor disappearing town.
Variations on death, women and other dangerous things.
The villages of the mountains of Sumava were destroyed and replaced by the monstrous socialist construction: the killing signal zone of the Iron Curtain.
The painter’s pilgrimage through the Hills of Central Bohemia.
Reportedly dead, reportedly alive: Woman painter Josef Capek of his hopes never gave up.
For centuries the Jewish Ghetto of Prague was growing inwards: its gradually rising density created a world of phantasmagoria and distress, which G. Meyrink and F. Kafka found so fascinating.
A story of a man who had lost his homeland twice yet he never gave up his faith.
Josef Čapek: “I find it most fascinating when something absolutely ordinary feels like a revelation which is, at the same time, true.“
If only I could ever get back my childhood stamp collection and the books that I had dumped.