The Pompeii of Louny: only grass grows today where my childhood house used to be.
Karel Capek: „To do in Spring 1939: spread compost, burn out the wasps.“ …but by that time he would be dead.
Virgin forests give us an insight into a disturbing secret of human heart: let’s return into the times when we used to be plants.
Fates and secrets deposited in an old album of black-and-white photographs.
Division of material riches makes the riches smaller, but spiritual riches, if shared, grow ever stronger.
Jaroslav Seifert: „I have never betrayed anything in my life, I am sure about this and you can trust me…“
The works of sculptor and mystic Frantisek Bilek reveal a remarkable unity of faith and art.
„There are days you feel like yelling and fighting with something…“
We shall always be fascinated by this world because the mysteries of the Universe are inexhaustible.
The history of our relation to the Goddess of Earth is an eternal contention between the male and female opposites.